David Barrio

David Barrio

Commercial Manager, Ependy's Marivers

David Barrio is a Madrid native and has a business degree in business administration and an executive MBA from the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid.

David has a great deal of professional experience in the recycling business, having worked for logistic and waste management companies in Spain (CHEP Equipment Pooling Systems, CARPA) and, for 20 years, serving as the recycling director for the Spanish Pulp and Paper Association (ASPAPEL). He has been, among others, a member of the CEPI Recycling Committee, member of the board at Ecoembes (the Spanish extended producer responsibility scheme), Secretary General of Recipap and a member of the CEN standardization working groups. He currently works for the German company Ependys-Marivers, which trades plastic scrap and recyclates globally.